Olafur Eliasson
'Your Double Light-house'
2019, Tate Modern
My first ever encounter with an Eliasson artwork occurred whilst visiting the Tate (2019). It has been a sought-after goal to view an Eliasson piece for quite some time, more so after reading a considerable amount of text referring to his intentional qualities of creating his art.
Before reaching the entrance, a faint glow was dispersing across the ceiling, oozing out of the door way and into the surrounding darkness. This faint glow was slowly cycling through a variation of colours from pink to blue hue.
After reading about his infamous Room for One Colour (1997) piece that altered the way the beholder sees after viewing his installation, I was gradually becoming more and more excited to step into his creation as I was walking towards the two Richard Serra-like curvatures.
In front of me stood two round forms varying in size and colour. No additional soundtrack or paintings. The forms were leaving the light do all of the communicating.
As I entered the larger curvature I felt slightly claustrophobic and overwhelmed with colour that in the moment, I did not know how to think. As I stood still for a few moments my eyes adapted to the surroundings, realising that the light is shifting colour very slowly. I did not look up or out of the form, I was more intrigued by looking at the overpowering screens of luminosity to even begin to be slightly distracted by the other elements.
As I left one curve and entered the other, I knew what to expect.
Entering the smaller whiter curve effected my eyes the most. And not in the same league as changing the colouration of how I see, but more so in the sense that I did not know what to focus on. I did not really experience a change in colour just in contrast of brightness.
As it was a first time viewing an Eliasson, I am far from disappointed. I understand this interest in experience and immersive installation as I appreciate it far more after reading about the effectiveness of using these two factors in realising installation art.